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Keloids Treatment

Keloids Treatment Clinic in Delhi

Keloids can be thought to be & scars that don’t know when to stop. A keloid, some of
the time alluded to as a keloid scar, is an extreme piled up scar that ascents unexpectedly over whatever is left of the skin.

Not everyone who gets a scar will develop a keloid. If you have keloid-prone skin, however, anything that can cause a scar may lead to a keloid. This includes a cut, burn, or severe acne.

Some people see a keloid after they pierce their ears or get a tattoo. A keloid can also form as chickenpox clear. Sometimes, a surgical scar becomes a keloid.

In very rare cases, keloids form when people do not injure their skin. These are called “spontaneous keloids.”

A keloid usually takes time to appear. After an injury, months can pass before this scar appears. A keloid can also form more quickly.

Once it begins, a keloid can enlarge slowly for months or years.

It generally has a smooth best and a pink or purple shading. Keloid, Hypertrophic Scar are dealt with by most recent strategies of Intralesional Therapy.

Intralesional Steroid Injection, Intralesional Cryo Therapy, FreezingCryo Surgery, and Non-ablative Fractional Lasers. Keloids are unpredictably molded and have a tendency to amplify logically. Not at all like scars, keloids don’t relapse after some time.

Specialists don’t see precisely why keloids frame. Adjustments in the phone flags that control multiplication and irritation might be identified with the procedure of keloid arrangement.

yet these progressions have not yet been described adequately to clarify this deformity in wound mending.

Best Clinic for Keloids Treatment – Adorable Clinic

People with obscurely pigmented skin are 15 times more prone to create keloids, with those of African, Hispanic, and Asian ethnicity are at the most serious hazard.

Keloids are similarly normal in ladies and men. Keloids are less regular in youngsters and the elderly. In spite of the fact that individuals with darker skin will probably create them, keloids can happen in individuals of all skin writes.

At times, the propensity to frame keloids appears to keep running in families. Studies have not so far outlined the correct qualities in charge of this inclination.

Keloid scars are more typical in individuals with darker skins, particularly Afro-Caribbean races. The pinnacle age is 10-30 years and keloids are less normal in the elderly or children.

Investigations of African individuals have demonstrated that 6-16 out of a hundred create keloids. Half of the individuals with keloids will have different individuals from the family who have likewise created keloids.

Your skin is your biggest organ and the most obvious. It is inclined to damage that may leave scars once it mends.

One kind of scar that can happen after an injury or cut recuperates is the keloid scar. Keloid scars don’t cause medical problems, yet numerous individuals evacuate them for restorative concerns.

On the off chance that you have a keloid scar and have been thinking about a scar expulsion treatment, read on to know the best choices accessible for you.

In any case, before all that, let us initially comprehend the keloid scarring definition, and in addition how keloid scarring happens.

Keloids TreatmentWhat Are Keloids:

A keloid scar forms from abnormal healing, and usually develops in people 10 to 20 years old. keloid, or keloid scar, is a kind of overgrown scar, or an overly aggressive healing response to a wound.

It is a type of thick, irregular scar that rises above the skin level and extends beyond the original wound boundaries.

They are also more commonly found in people of African American, Asian, or Hispanic descent.

What is more, some people may be genetically predisposed to getting keloids, considering that more than 50 percent of people who get keloids have family members who also have the scars, according to a report or experts.

Hypertrophic Scar or Keloid?

Excessive scarring was first described in an Egyptian papyrus that dates back to 1700 BC.

It was not until the 1960s and 1970s, however, that modern physicians differentiated excessive scars into two types: hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Both types of scars rise above the skin level, but hypertrophic scars, unlike keloids, do not extend beyond the original wound.

Numerous other differences between the two types also exist. include:

Hypertrophic scars start to develop within two months of a traumatic injury and wound, rapidly grow for up to 6 months, and then slowly regress over a few years until they stabilize.

They also tend to develop in body areas with high tension, including the shoulders, neck, knees, elbows, and ankles.

Keloids take several years to develop after a minor injury or wound, sometimes form spontaneously in the mid-chest without a preceding injury, last for many years, and don’t spontaneously regress.

They tend to form or develop on the chest, shoulders, earlobes, upper arms, and cheeks.

Additionally, keloids often recur after being surgically removed, which rarely happens with hypertrophic scars.

Keloids do not turn into cancer:

The size and shape of keloids vary. On an earlobe, you will likely see around, solid mass. When a keloid forms on a shoulder or the chest.

The raised scar tends to spread out across the skin. It often looks like a liquid spilled on the skin and then hardened.

As these raised scars grow, they may feel painful or itchy. A keloid that covers a joint or large area can decrease a person’s ability to move that part of the body.

Treatment can help reduce symptoms like pain and itch or irritation. If the scar makes moving difficult, treatment can help a person regain some movement.

Treating a keloid scar, however, can be involved. To reduce the chance of another keloid forming after the treatment, more than one type of treatment may be necessary.

No one treatment is best for all keloids scars. To give their patients the best results, dermatologists choose the treatment based on the patient’s age, type of keloid, and other considerations.

For example, Like one patient with a keloid on an earlobe may get better results if the scar is surgically removed in layers (called shaving) than surgically cut out.

Causes and Symptoms of Keloids:

Keloids usually occur at the site of skin damage e.g., acne, burns, chicken pox, cuts, insect bites, piercings, surgery, tattoos, vaccinations, although they can occur spontaneously.

Whether or not a keloid will form is not determined by the severity of the wound, Even a minor skin abrasion can result in keloid formation.

During part of the normal wound-healing process, fibroblasts, A type of cell in connective tissue synthesize the protein collagen.

Which provides structural support for the wound and plays a key role in each phase of wound healing.

Keloids form when the fibroblasts produce far more collagen than what’s produced during normal wound healing.

In fact, the collagen synthesis in keloids is about 20 times greater than in normal, unscarred skin, and three times greater than in hypertrophic scars), According to a 2009 report in the journal Dermatologic Surgery.

Other biological factors also contribute to keloid development, Including the overproduction of certain growth factors and glue-like proteins.

Keloids can develop from most types of skin injuries, including:

  • Surgical cuts
  • Acne and chickenpox blemishes or scars
  • Burns
  • Body or ear piercings
  • Vaccination shots

Keloids form over the general site of the injury and may appear flesh-colored, red, or pink. Some keloids are smooth, while others are modular/lumpy or ridged.

If exposed to the sun during the first year of formation, A keloid may tan darker than the surrounding skin sometimes permanently.

For some people, keloids are more than just unsightly skin disorder and imperfections.

The scars can dramatically affect people physically and psychologically by causing tenderness, itchiness, and pain.

And these symptoms may worsen if the keloid is irritated by the friction against clothing or other materials.

Complication of Keloid:

Keloids are usually firm, raised, shiny, and smooth. They are often pink or red, or much darker or lighter in color than the surrounding the skin.

Keloids always extend beyond the limits of the original wound, injury, sometimes by many centimeters. The color, shape, and size of the scars may change with time. They are generally not painful, though they are often itchy.

Keloids are more likely to develop on the arms, back, ears, lower legs, mid-chest, and the neck. They may form as a wound heals, or they may take several months or even years to develop. Rarely, they will continue to grow indefinitely.

There are generally few complications from keloidal scars. Depending on their appearance, size, and location, they can cause some psychological distress, as keloids can be quite prominent.

Keloids can also interfere with movement, especially if they are on a joint. Very rarely, keloids may become cancerous.

Keloids are different from hypertrophic, abnormally thickened scars in that they extend beyond the edges of the site of injury and can occur without any inciting injury.

Hypertrophic scars are more common than keloids, and many people who think that they have keloids actually only have a tendency towards hypertrophic scarring. Your doctor can help make this distinction and tell you what actually it is.

Making the Diagnosis:

Keloids can be diagnosed by your doctor or dermatologist or skin specialist in Delhi. Diagnosis is based on the location and appearance of the scar, and how it progresses over time.

Your dermatologist may do a physical exam and look at your medical and personal history to rule out any other possible diseases or conditions. A skin biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out any malignant tumor.

Treatment and Prevention:

Currently, There is no completely effective way to treat keloids or to prevent their formation. Traditionally, surgical removal of the scars was recommended.

Treatment is determined based on the size, location, and symptoms of the keloid and the scar. While keloids on the face, chest, abdomen, and back are best treated with a combination of steroid injections and laser treatments in Delhi.

keloids that are larger and more raised or on the earlobes may benefit more from cryotherapy, injections or surgery. Our providers utilize a combination of these treatment methods to give you the best results possible.

However, 45% to 100% of people will have a recurrence of the scar if surgery is not combined with other treatment like radiation, pressure dressings, and the new scar can actually be larger and more prominent than the original scar.

A mainstay for both treatment and prevention is the injection of steroids such as triamcinolone directly into the scar.

Steroids injections help prevent inflammation and promote the breakdown of collagen. This helps to make scars less raised and to decrease pain and tenderness associated with the scar.

Laser therapy in Delhi is now used to treat many types of skin problems, like stretch marks removal, dermatitis, including keloids. It is often combined with steroid injections to give the best cosmetic result.

Silicon gel dressings are a popular alternative to steroid injections, although there is only limited evidence suggesting the dressings are effective in preventing abnormal scarring in people who are at high risk of developing keloids and scars.

Other treatment options include radiation therapy and medications such as interferon, fluorouracil, imiquimod, and bleomycin.

If you have a history of forming keloids and are having surgery, discuss with your surgeon any strategies to prevent keloid formation.

Also, those with a tendency to form keloids may want to avoid any unnecessary piercings or surgeries.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

An individual who does not have any underlying or severe illness or disorder can have this treatment done. Also, a patient who wants his scar tissue removed and have clear skin is included on the list of people who are eligible.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

Children, pregnant women and those who have an underlying medical condition which is still untreated, or those affected by a chronic illness are not eligible for receiving the treatment of keloids.

Are there any side effects?

Common side effects include scarring, burning sensation, redness of the treated area, swelling, or moderate to severe irritation to the feeling of a sunburn. In the case of rare side effects, there will be a change in skin pigmentation.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

After the treatment of laser resurfacing or radiation therapy, the treated will be itchy, raw and swollen.

Your dermatologist will apply or ask you to apply a thick ointment on the treated area, or you might have to cover that particular area with a watertight or an airtight dressing. In order to relieve pain.

Your doctor or dermatologist will recommend you a few over-the-counter medications for relief. You should also apply an ice pack to the treated area for swelling and redness.

In case you notice something odd or unusual with the color or texture of the treated area, or are undergoing immense pain, you must immediately contact your doctor.

How long does it take to recover?

It takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks for the scar tissues to become red and shrink with the continuous therapy of steroid injections, radiation or surgery.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

Small keloids are easily treated with a number of different methods. Usually, a series of steroidal injections injected into the affected area is the safest and simplest approach.

It is important for the patient to understand that the scar tissues will never entirely disappear but will likely become flatter and less symptomatic. It is more difficult to treat larger lesions.

Treatment Options for Keloid in Delhi:

Keloids can develop over weeks or months and typically do not go away on their own One way to treat keloids is to remove them surgically.

But because most people with keloids continue to be prone to abnormal scarring, a keloid may grow back in the same place after the surgery.


Cryotherapy therapy, or treatment with liquid nitrogen, can be delivered both externally and internally. External cryotherapy treats keloids from the outside.

A pressurized spray canister is used to apply liquid nitrogen to the surface of the keloid scar. The liquid nitrogen freezes the keloid tissue and destroys its blood supply so that it can no longer grow.

Eventually, the destroyed tissue falls off. External cryotherapy is typically the least effective treatment method for keloids. On the other hand, CryoShape therapy, a type of internal cryotherapy, is an extremely effective method of treating keloids on the earlobes and larger, raised keloids.

It has a 97% no-recurrence rate and does not pose a risk for pigmentary changes of the skin surrounding the keloid, unlike external cryotherapy.

CryoShape destroys the keloid from within by delivering liquid nitrogen through a probe that is inserted into the center of the keloid.

The keloid is expected to shrink/flatten significantly within 2 to 4 months after the first treatment.

The CryoShape procedure r treatment is performed in our office under local anesthesia, so there is minimal discomfort during the procedure. Duration of treatment depends on the size and thickness of the keloid.

The treated area feels tender for several days after the treatment and may require Tylenol. External cryotherapy submitted to insurance/CryoShape.


Intralesional Kenalog is a corticosteroid that is delivered directly into the keloid with a needle or Dermojet device. A series of Kenalog injections performed every 4 weeks can reduce inflammation.

Which minimize symptoms, decrease the size, and soften keloids that are firm to the touch. If adequate results are not seen with various strengths of Kenalog, an anti-cancer chemotherapeutic agent, 5-fluorouracil.

Can be injected in combination with Kenalog to increase the effectiveness of injections. Submitted to insurance.


Pulsed dye laser treatments reduce acute inflammation, minimize redness, and promote softening of keloids. Typically a series of treatments performed every 4-6 weeks is necessary until keloids are no longer red.

The treatment causes red/purple discoloration on the skin for several days after the treatment. The pulsed dye laser is often performed in combination with steroid injections. Submitted to insurance.

However, a keloid scar removal technique found to be effective in reducing the appearance of a keloid scar is the V-beam laser. The V-beam laser is a pulsed dye laser. The laser will target the blood vessels, heating them, which will cause them to collapse.


Excision, or complete surgical removal, run a high risk of recurrence. Often, keloids that develop after excision are larger than the original keloid.

Therefore, excision is typically reserved for keloids on the earlobes or those too large for conservative treatments. We only perform excision of keloids on the earlobes. Firm keloids must be softened with a series of steroid injections prior to the treatment.

During the excision, the site of the keloid is numbed with local anesthesia and the keloid is subsequently removed with a shave technique.

The procedure is followed by 3 postoperative steroid injections to reduce the risk of recurrence. The first injection is performed immediately after the excision and the following are given every 2 weeks thereafter. Submitted to insurance.


Radiation is rarely used in the treatment of keloids but can be performed after excision of gigantic keloids to prevent recurrence. We do not offer radiation or excision of gigantic keloids but can refer you to a competent specialist.


Emerging therapies to control excessive scarring include a single injection of a gelatin hydrogel scaffold at the completion of surgery.

Which has reduced the one-year recurrence to the 8% range; and injecting microRNAs that use agents to either mimic or inhibit the microRNAs to regulate a variety of genes pivotal in scarring and fibrosis.

In addition, a low-tech device is available that adheres to the skin on both sides of the keloidectomy suture line.

Focal adhesion kinase is a cellular protein which actually is activated by mechanical forces, as when the incision site is under tension, and ultimately induces greater collagen production and inflammation.

When you snap the device, the tension is released from the suture line, resulting in less visible scarring.





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