
Mesotherapy For Hair Growth – Does It Work?

Mesotherapy from greek words “mesos” and therapy from “therapeia”. Mesotherapy in itself, means the administration of highly localized treatment by micro-injections. La Belle offers effective Mesotherapy for hair loss, administered by experienced professionals. In baldness treatment, an expert injects a calculated solution of vitalizing compounds directly at the root of the thinning hair regions. It is a permanent solution, in where, the revitalizing serum initiates new hair growth and lessens fall simultaneously.


Alopecia, commonly termed as hair loss or baldness, is the problem of loss of hair from the scalp and the body. It is experienced by people throughout the world. This issue is faced by both genders but the intensity and pattern of hair fall is different. The word baldness is however, generally used to describe male pattern baldness in specific – partial or total lack of hair on the scalp with limited or no hair growth at all. It is characterized by receding hair line, patchy hair loss and thinning crown, and is mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyle practices, hormonal imbalances, aging, hereditary factors, intake of steroids and other severe forms of medication, illnesses, pregnancy in women, hair styling and poor health care practices, psychological and physiological stress and shock, trichotillomania or compulsive hair pulling disorder etc. This chronic hair problem can be treated by medication, clinical treatments, hair replacement and hair restoration. Natural remedies and maintaining a healthy diet help handle the issue better.